Policy on Plagiarism

Policy on Plagiarism

The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) (http://www.icmje.org/) authoring criteria are followed by the Journal Pakistan journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research.
The Journal adheres to the normal worldwide definition and description of plagiarism, as well as the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan's recommendations.
(http://facpub.stjohns.edu/roigm/plagiarism/Index.html) (http://www.hec.gov.pk)

The Journal views all authors whose names appear on the manuscript/article equally responsible for the intellectual integrity of the work. When submitting a paper, all authors must sign a declaration acknowledging this obligation.  This remark must declare that no portion of the document was copied.

Any such material should be made available to the Editor and should only be used with attribution in accordance with the authorship standards. Otherwise, this may constitute redundant publishing/duplicate publication/"salami slicing," and the Editor may take appropriate action ranging from article rejection to debarment of the author(s) from future publication in the Journal.

Any such material should be made available to the Editor and should only be used with attribution in accordance with the authorship standards. Otherwise, this may constitute redundant publishing/duplicate publication/"salami slicing," and the Editor may take appropriate action ranging from article rejection to debarment of the author(s) from future publication in the Journal.

The Journal emphasises that self-plagiarism is just as immoral as other types of plagiarism. If material from the author's past work is to be utilised, conventional reference requirements must be followed.

Plagiarism will be checked on all articles submitted to the Journal. If a manuscript submitted for publication (or a submission approved for publishing or an article previously published in the Journal) is discovered to be based on plagiarised material, the Editor is required to contact the author(s) and request an explanation. The accompanying author must reply with an explanation within 30 days of receiving the editor's letter. Any such paper submitted for review will be held up until the issue is remedied. Following receipt of the author's explanation, the Editor may, if deemed essential, write a letter of information to the Head of the Institution or any other relevant authority at the author(s) institution. A similar letter might be written to Pakistan's Higher Education Commission and Pakistan's Medical and Dental Council seeking information and potential action. If the author(s) offer an acceptable explanation, the Editor may propose necessary revisions, following which the review process for the submitted paper may begin.If the author(s) do not answer within the specified time frame or are unable to give a satisfactory explanation, the Editor will arrange a meeting of the Plagiarism Committee of the Journal's Board of Editors to take further action. Further action will be taken based on the severity of the offence and may include the rejection of the submission for publication as well as the author(s) being barred from future publication in the Journal. The length of the debarment depends on the severity of the offence and might vary from a few months to permanent.This action's details may be published on a numbered page in the next edition of the Journal.Advances in Medicine and Medical Research in Pakistan If plagiarism is discovered in a previously published paper, the Editor will be required to remove the piece from the journal's website. Plagiarism, if discovered and proven, is a criminal offence. The Plagiarism Committee will take immediate and neutral action.

Editor-in-Chief  Prof Anwar khan dean and CEO Nowshera medical colleage kpk